Forward your number or use one of ours. We answer as your assistant using your company name.
Doctors, consultants, insurance agents, contractors we can set up your appointments for you.
Mail/package receiving and forwarding. Forwarding can be physical packages and/or open and scan mail.
Need a place to receive packages and avoid those "Porch Pirates"? Have your packages safely delivered to our address. A la carte or monthly. (Individuals Only; Not for Business-Businesses: see Pack and Ship)
Send, receive and forward fax via email
Business address, conference room (up to 4 hours/month), mail/packages, answer phones, directory listing
Available for rental by the hour
Personalized service; screening provided
For appointment service add $20/month
Set-up fee for Personal Assistant services (one time fee $25)
(3 month minimum)
Postage plus 20%)
(Annual $270)
Postage plus20%
Postage deposit required: Minimum $10
Last Month's Deposit ( Same as first month )
Pages $1 per page