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Title:It's About ChoicePublication:
Date Created:2023-11-29 20:54:30
Publication Description:
We are a country that cares about choice. My body, my choice. What do you want for dinner? Where should we eat? Where should we live? What school will I attend?

I have worked to stay out away from the vaccine/Covid debate since it started. Though we have faced health crises before, we have managed to come out of them without shutting down our economy. I believe there is an agenda to this government action; though I have no idea what it is. We are all speculating if we say we know. Is it control? Maybe. Is it well-meaning "safety" for all of us, including our children? I find that a bit difficult to swallow. We know how much harm the masking and lockdowns did in the last year and a half. Why would we repeat, in the same manner, something that had such bad results?

Let's use some common sense. We have a good number of people vaccinated. Those that are at risk need to pay attention and do what works best for them (choice). Those that are afraid need to do what's best for them (choice). Those that want to walk freely and without a mask need to understand the consequences and do what's best for them (choice). 

When did we begin to allow the government to dictate our personal choices? This is not a health crisis or we would see homeless dying on the streets. That has not happened during this pandemic. They are dying, but not from the health crisis at hand. That's an entirely new article.
I think we need to begin to resist the desire to "go along to get along". We don't want to fight; but our government officials are closing meetings to us (Las Vegas last night), making it difficult to speak our minds by changing times to speak (Wahoe County), and in general, creating edicts based on a false emergency (Governor Sisolak). 

It's time for "We the People" to stand up for freedom. We all have a choice what that looks like. It might be writing to your representatives, it might be seeking an audit, it might be rallying at the courthouse, it might be nothing more than sharing a thought with your neighbor. But we MUST stand up for our God-given rights. The government does not control us; they work for us. Do what you can to stand for FREEDOM.

This article is my opinion only and does not represent the opinion of LeRue Press or What's the Story?/Book Hound.

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