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What's The Story?: Plus Book Hound | Tuesdays 3pm - 5pm PST

What's the Story?/LeRue Book Hound is your go-to show for information, current events, entertainment, author and entrepreneur interviews. With a variety of hosts, they keep the energy high, topics from local Reno to around the world, and books and authors they choose so you don't have to! What a great way to start your week!

VIDEO TITLE: What's The Story? Plus LeRue Book Hound - 08/25/20
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Home of Quality Conversation on America Matters Media! Join the conversation and chat with us LIVE: (844) 790-8255 License to use music contained in this program was issued by ASCAP (License #: 40000772) and BMI (License#: 60993608) for use by America Matters Media, Reno, NV.
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: What's The Story? Plus LeRue Book Hound - 09/01/20
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Home of Quality Conversation on America Matters Media! Join the conversation and chat with us LIVE: (844) 790-8255 License to use music contained in this program was issued by ASCAP (License #: 40000772) and BMI (License#: 60993608) for use by America Matters Media, Reno, NV.
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: What's The Story? Plus LeRue Book Hound - 09/08/20
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Home of Quality Conversation on America Matters Media! Join the conversation and chat with us LIVE: (844) 790-8255 License to use music contained in this program was issued by ASCAP (License #: 40000772) and BMI (License#: 60993608) for use by America Matters Media, Reno, NV.
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: What's The Story? Plus LeRue Book Hound - 09/15/20
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The Home of Quality Conversation on America Matters Media! Join the conversation and chat with us LIVE: (844) 790-8255 License to use music contained in this program was issued by ASCAP (License #: 40000772) and BMI (License#: 60993608) for use by America Matters Media, Reno, NV.
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: April 13 2021 Maria Zack in the 2nd hour
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: April 13 2021 Maria Zack in the 2nd hour
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: What’s the Story?™/LeRue Book Hound™ Christina Schwanke Guest
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: She calls herself a stay at home Mom…but it seems she is much more than that. With a background in pharmaceutical software validation program management (that’s a mouthful), she’s lived in California, South Korea, North Dakota and Nevada, she’s a photographer and most recently is the Storey County Republican Central Committee Chair…Wow. Can’t wait to hear about her journey. What's The Story Host Janice Hermsen with co Hosts' Ed Noel and Doug Ashby License to use music contained in this program was issued by ASCAP (license #: 40000772) and BMI (license #: 60993608) for use by America Matters Media, Reno Nv.
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: What's the Story?/Book Hound
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Host Janice Hermsen with co Hosts' Ed Noel and Doug Ashby Special Guest 1st Hour Maria Zack shares her story of Philippe Argilier who owns intelligence data banks. He wants to peacefully end the shadow government. License to use music contained in this program was issued by ASCAP (license #: 40000772) and BMI (license #: 60993608) for use by America Matters Media, Reno Nv.
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: What's the Story?/Book Hound with Ellen Gifford of Volunteer Nevada!
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Ellen Gifford of Volunteer Nevada! is our guest. She wanted to “make a difference”. Her journey began in California and has continued here in Nevada. She is ready to train, county by county. Join in the 1st half of What’s the Story? to hear her story. - Why did the Secretary of State decide to provide a temporary regulation on a statute that is over 60 years old? And only applies to 1.6% of the population in this election cycle? - This is National Sandwich Month…what’s your favorite? - Don’t miss our “word of the day” and the “Book Blitz”. We inform and provide edu-tainment every week. Tune in at America Matters, on Facebook at What’s the Story page, in northern Nevada at 93.7 FM and 1060 AM
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

VIDEO TITLE: WTS-Education Crusade: Paul White Special Guest
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Education Crusade presented a proposal to the Washoe County School District in Nevada to “…fix our broken schools by implementing the following: -A proven voluntary drug-testing program that could stop drug abuse ! -A proven system for eliminating student violence and abusive behavior ! -A proven system for increasing student learning ! -A proven prototype of an ideal classroom that could be replicated district-wide !” Per the 2023 State of the Schools Report distributed by Education Crusade, “The WCSD Superintendent and School Board maintained their complete lack of interest in allowing Education Crusade to show them how to fix our broken schools…” (license #: 60993608) for use by America Matters Media, Reno Nv. se #: 40000772) and BMI (license #: 60993608) for use by Am Matters Media
Show Link:

2023-03-19 18:05:25

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